Monday, February 8, 2010
Fortune Cookies for Your Italian Wedding?
OK, OK! I know, fortune cookies are Chinese not Italian. But I ran across some great Italian proverbs that would be a kick to insert in fortune cookies. You could dip the cookies in chocolate and decorate them with jimmies to make them more 'wedding-like.' The recipe is from Try printing the Italian proverb on one side of the fortune and in English on the back. If you don't want to make you own try this web site: They make the fruit flavored beauties at the top left, and the sprinkle adorned assortment at the right. If you want to go another route go to where you can buy cannoli fortune favors, complete with fortune and tied with a ribbon, but they also sell the shells to add your own fortunes to. If you want to make your own fortune cookies or cannoli try
Italian Proverbs about Marriage
"Ne di Venere Ne di Marte non si sposa ne si parte!"
Neither marry nor depart on the day of Venus or of Mars!
"Sposa bagnata, sposa fortunata"
A wet bride is a lucky bride (referring to rain on the wedding day)
"La buona moglie fa il buon marito"
A good wife makes a good husband.
"La moglie e' la chiave di casa"
The wife is the key of the house.
"Tra moglie e marito ... non mettere il dito."
Don't put a finger between wife and husband.
"Moglie e buoi ...dei paesi tuoi."
Wife and bull ...from your home-town.
"La prima e' Matrimonio, la seconda comagnia, la terza un'eresia."
The first wife is marriage, the second company, the thrid heresy.
"Meglio il marito senz'amore, che con gelosia."
Better to have a husband without love than with jealousy.
"Chi ha moglie ha doglie"
Who has a wife has strife.
"Chi non ha moglie non ha padrone."
Who has no wife has no master.
"Casa senza fimmina ‘mpuvirisci"
(Sicillian proverb) A house without a woman is poor
"Matrimoni e viscuvati, di lu celu su mannati"
(Sicillian proverb) Weddings and bishops are heavensent
Love the cannoli idea! Am stealing for my wedding!
ReplyDeleteVery cool cookies!