
Monday, June 7, 2010

Wedding Flags

Photo and idea courtesy of Offbeat Bride Website
Posted by Megan and Michele

Photo and idea courtesy of Offbeat Bride Website

Posted by Megan and Michele
Back of Flags above

Another option, Flags with your monogram
Brides everywhere will get wonderful inspiration from Michele at Offbeat Bride who made these great flags for her wedding party to hand out to show their enthusiasm as the bride and groom were walking out of the church.  Michele opted to make them from construction paper, and used her sewing machine to make a seamed placket to put a wooden dowel into.  She said "I put a few drops of glue on the sticks, mainly because she didn't want the flags sliding down the dowels. Then folded the paper around, and did the stitching with a zipper foot- they ended up being fairly tight."  What a great way to let your guests show their enthusiasm for your new marriage!  Shades of Monty Python!  "And there was much rejoicing!"

Photo courtesy of Martha Steward Weddings, where there are template to print.


Thanks for reading my blog! Enjoy creating DIY projects to make your wedding day unique.