
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Not a Mashed Potato Bar--

Not a Mashed Potato Bar but a Stuffing Bar! How great does that sound? And not your usual turkey type stuffing, no, these could be a variety of stuffing with great ingredients like cheese, bacon, the sky is the limit!  I have to admit this is not my idea.  I got an email from Cupcake Project with a great recipe for Summertime Stuffing Shots and I started thinking about all the different types of stuffing you could make that would make great appetizers! We all have recipes for stuffing casseroles that include good ingredients like sour cream and a can of soup (gourmet I know!) (I never claimed to be a gourmet chef, I just like to eat!).  I know I have a great one that has zucchini in it and stuffing mix and the list goes on! See Cupcake Projects recipe that has Mexican Cheese (with links for other recipes).  So if you're a creative bride who is not afraid to be just a little bit different stuff your guests at a stuffing bar!

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