
Sunday, January 22, 2012

DIY Cake Stand

All photos courtesy of Martha Stewart Wedding

Ever thought to yourself 'there just has to be a more creative way to display my cake than those boring and predictable silver stands?' Well there is.

Martha Stewart's team at Martha Stewart Weddings has provided the detailed tutorial on how to make your own wedding cake stand. Not much of a DIYer?  This is a project that you and your groom can do together, (ok stereotypical of me to think you aren't handy with a jigsaw, but if you aren't, grab your groom!) Wedding planning and projects you do together add fun to the process and bring you closer. And making a cake stand is really, well, it's a piece of cake!

Once you've made the decision of colors and accents for your wedding head to your favorite home store and purchase some pretty knobs to use as feet for your wedding cake stand.  Choose colors, unique designs or whatever strikes your fancy.  (My personal favorite? the aqua knob.)

You'll need a piece of plywood cut in the size and shape you need for your cake.  Now is when you need your jigsaw.  Don't have one? Check with you parents or a neighbor, maybe they can help you out, and either show you how to use it or cut the piece for you.  Then sand the plywood, tops and sides.  Paint it.  Screw in the feet (those would be your knobs) and add some ribbon from your favorite craft store (I like Michael's) in your wedding colors around the edge. Perfection! Your DIY cake stand doesn't look like you did it yourself at all!

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Thanks for reading my blog! Enjoy creating DIY projects to make your wedding day unique.